Our Unity Reset Program is for those open to enjoying true unity consciousness with all and for those open to the paradigm of both personal and planetary ascension.
It is also for those who are ready to vibrate themselves beyond the pattern of duality and limitation; who are ready to let the past go and see that each moment is brand new and so it is for those who are ready to use their mental energy in ways that enhance the whole.
This program is for those who can honor our individual uniqueness and cultures, so that we can all enjoy the ‘one people on one planet living in harmony zone’ on Earth!
To achieve the above, in our Unity Reset Program we will share inspirational life stories as we apply the science of Unity, using a system that has been taught time and time again to many evolving worlds to help complete their ascension process.
Also ..
- Is there life on other planetary systems in other dimensions? Yes.
- Are we all naturally telepathic? Yes.
- Can we all be nourished by prana so that we no longer need to take physical food except for pleasure? Yes.
- Can we exist in oceans of the deepest peace and bliss where our lives are filled with grace and our hearts are filled with gratitude and we really live in paradise on Earth? Yes.
- Is there a formula for all of this? Yes.
- Is there a formula for permanent peace on Earth? Yes, yes, yes.