Jasmuheen's Darkroom Retreats are unique as they focus on a particular lifestyle that has the potential to eliminate all human hungers. In these gatherings Jasmuheen shares many deep insights from her 60 plus years as an Ambassador of Peace plus life changing pragmatics. Please note that her basic Source Feeding protocol will be shared and experienced by all during these gatherings as Jasmuheen shares over 3 decades of her personal experience into this way of being!


This retreat is now booked out!

Darkroom - 3rd-14th September 2025 International mix.

  • Arrive at venue on the 3rd September 2025.

  • Enter Darkroom 7pm on the 4th September 2025.

  • Exit Darkroom early afternoon on the 13th September 2025.

  • 14th September 2025 - Retreat is complete - final day of integration back in the light.

Tao Garden, Chiang Mai, Thailand
(Please note that Tao Garden is a drug-free, smoke-free and alcohol-free environment)

Anjie – anjie@selfempowermentacademy.com.au

Anjie will email you further details including Retreat Investment costs and preparation details.

If our retreat is booked out – please email Anjie above to be placed on our waiting list - however if you are meant to be there you will be!!

2025 Darkroom Focus

In this gathering. as always, the group will bring through that which is for the highest good of both individuals, the group and the vortex while also sharing more on the dynamics of Ascension and Source Feeding. This is a gathering for Ugrading all of our systems into a more enlightened way of operation via powerful quantum coding, pragmatic insights and life changing meditations!

Darkroom Benefits

Using Jasmuheen's methodology ...

 1.     Improvements in both health, inner harmony and long-term happiness levels

2.     a wonderful time of reset, rest and deep relaxation

3.     a chance to explore and experiment with Source Feeding and take advantage of Jasmuheen’s 30 years of experiential research in this field …

4.     a chance to completely recode and redirect our lives

5.     the opportunity to support a "triple level ascension program" on personal, global and universal levels

6.     a chance to transcend the realm of time with tools to create better time flows in life in general

7.     the opportunity for deep life analysis and powerful change via specific daily focus

8.     deep enlightening meditations for an Essence dominant bio-system and freedom from many limitations

9.     connecting with - and being supported by - Light Beings from the Unified realms

10.  a time to share life enhancing research plus insightful stories plus tools of permanent change

11.  a time to enjoy many life-changing pragmatics

12.  The opportunity to make life-long like-minded friends

 Below you will also find some interesting videos on this unique retreat ... 

 David Bohm the physicist said : - "Deep down, the Consciousness of mankind is one. This is a certainty; and if we don't see this, it's because we are blinding ourselves to it. The notion that we are all separately existent fragments is evidently an illusion, and this illusion cannot do other than lead to endless conflict and confusion."

 Our Darkroom gatherings allow us to feel the truth of the quote above!!!

A 9 minute video where Jasmuheen shares her insight nearly 2 decades of experience of utilizing Darkroom Technology with many groups.  She also refers to Darkroom as her Laboratory for testing the effectiveness of the Programs of The Embassy of Peace, including the Source Feeding program.

Additional Video Insights

Testimonial Insights

A wonderful documentary by Rising Conscience, who share - Jasmuheen's darkroom retreat takes place in Tao garden, Chiangmai, Thailand where 45 people stay 9 days and 9 nights in complete darkness, with no physical food observing silence, stillness and solitude. This documentary takes you on to discover this wonderful journey through the testimonials of those who have done it.
OTHER DARKROOM RETREATS - Note: Due to our yearly retreat being booked out often years in advance, sometimes people elect to attend Master Chia’s Darkroom retreat instead.
Here are some of the differences between them.
Firstly the energies in our retreat are very feminine in nature as we treat the darkroom space as the Divine Mother’s womb.
While our program is flexible and unfolds according to the group divinity, we also tune people energetically to open to stronger flows for pranic feeding. Sacred music in silence and in some of our meditations also helps facilitate a more heart opening experience.
We also promote solitude and silence. Also in our retreat no physical food is served although juices are available and people are asked to train themselves in some form of yoga, tai chi or qigong practice before they come so that they can continue a healthy exercise program in the dark.
In Master Chia’s retreat, training is given in Taoist practice – usually the Kan and Li. Silence is not usually expected but happens naturally and there is no music. Also while meals were usually offered for both vegetarian and non-vegetarian, less food is now being served.
In the Darkroom Diary Downloads free e-book Jasmuheen writes of her own 100+ days of personal experiences in the darkroom plus she shares more on the Prana Program and a little of her own journey in learning how to be the true breatharian.
As a free e-book, Jasmuheen has now added more to this journal. Please note that this is a journal only and not a teaching program although it has many wonderful insights.

Places are limited so find out more now!

For more data on these wonderful retreats with Jasmuheen, please email
Anjie – anjie@selfempowermentacademy.com.au